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Subungal Exostosis Doctor in Brooklyn

Foot image 17SUBUNGUAL EXOSTOSIS (Bone Spur Under the Nail)
Sometimes deformed nails are associated with a small bone spur at the tip of the toe under the nail. This can cause considerable discomfort at the nail or beneath it. The skin between the nail and the bone can become irritated and result in a painful corn or cal­lus. If the nail is removed, without remov­ing the bone spur, the corn or callus can continue to form on the tip of the toe. There­fore the most effective way to treat this con­dition is to also remove the spur.

This involves the use of a special high fre­quency laser. Fungus tissue and nail can be removed on a permanent basis when the nail root or growth center is destroyed with a laser.

This procedure involves the permanent removal of one or both sides of a toenail and the removal of fungus tissue if it is present. The root of the toenail is then treated with a chemical agent that destroys it. If the entire toenail needs to be removed, the same procedure is employed for the entire tissue under the nail and the complete root.

Toenail surgery is employed to alleviate the following types of deformities.
• Ingrowing Toenail
• Incurvated Nail
• Fungus Nail
• Thick Nail (Hypertrophied)
• Injury to a Toenail